Traitors (2013)
No fair.
Olga’s Notes:
Note1: A short movie with a punch. It has a story to tell (see Note2). It tells it exceedingly well. The End.
Note2: The main protagonist, Malika, is a lead singer with an all-female punk band, and although the film covers the themes of Tangier ghettos and political corruption and drug trafficking, it is essentially about Malika’s quest to escape the humdrum of her daily existence (through her music).
Note3: Traitors manages to put across the feminist message far more gracefully and effectively than just about any die-hard feminist movement active in the world today.
Girls like us.
Helena’s Notes:
Note1: I-m so bo-oh-red with Mah- roh-cco! Way cooler, not to mention believable, then The Clash so called original version. Seriously, a little man from Surrey getting bored of the USA. Question mark.
Note2: So why couldn’t Olga make me a lead singer with the all-female punk band. Or even better, with the all-male punk band, because let’s face it, girls never did like me all that much on account of their pathological jealousy. In any case, I reckon Olga should definitely re-write Helena if she wants a cult bestseller (which secretly she so does). Even if that means stealing from Traitors. Did I say stealing. I meant drawing inspiration.
Note3: One slightly unconvincing thing though: Malika doesn’t smoke, drink or go clubbing. At first, I thought this could be a Muslim thing, but then I noticed that the girls from her band as well as the street-girls definitely went for it. Not sure if this makes me like her less. Or, um, even more.
Can't touch this.